Shipping Policy

This document sets out the shipping policy that applies to customers that make a purchase at . If you have any questions, please contact our customer service team on +91 72520 33032 or

Order Processing Time
Average shipment time could be upto 7-10 business days, it depends on clients location from our warehouse. All orders placed before 2 PM Monday to Friday are processed and dispatched the same day, all orders placed after will be dispatched the next day. All orders placed during the weekend or on a public holiday will be sent from our warehouse on Monday or on the next business day.

Delivery Address & P.O. Boxes
Please note that we are unable to modify the delivery address once you have placed your order. We are sorry but we do not ship to P.O. boxes.

International Orders
Your package may be subject to import duties and taxes. You, as the customer, are responsible for paying those fees. We recommend that you check with your local customs office before placing an order on our website as these fees can sometimes be significant and we are unable to calculate these for you.

Tracking Your Order
Once your order has been dispatched, we will send you a confirmation email with tracking information. You will be able to track your package directly on the carrier’s website.

Returns, Refunds, and Exchanges
We want you to be completely happy with your purchase – please read our return & refund policy for detailed information about our processes. Return policy link: